The adventures of Ariel and her friends at the age of fourteen. From her first known trouble with Ursula to her collection of human objects, the show illustrates the princess's journey as she finishes growing up. It also introduced new characters such as Ariel's merboy friend (an orphan named Urchin who her family all saw as a little brother), the snobbish merteen called Pearl, the Lobster Mobster, Evil Manta, Sebastian's family, and an orca Ariel titled Spot. 31 Episodes were done for the series as they were shown on ABC & Disney channels during 1992 till 1994, some of the episodes were released on video within the "Little Mermaid Series VHS".
1- Whale Of A Tale
2- The Great Sebastian
3- Stormy
4- Urchin
5- Double Bubble
6- Message in a Bottle
7- Charmed
8- Marriage of Inconvenience
9- The Evil Manta (In the VHS collection it was called "In Harmony")
10- Thingamajigger
11- Red
12- Beached
13- Trident True
14- Eel-Ectric City
Season 2:
15- Resigned To It
16- Calliope Dreams
17- Save The Whale
18- Against the Tide
19- Giggles
20- Wish Upon A Starafish
21- Tail Of Two Crabs
22- Metal Fish
23- T'ank You For Dat,Ariel
Season 3:
24- Scuttle
25- King Crab
26- Island Of Fear
27- Land Of The Dinosaurs
28- Heroes
29- The Beast Within
30- Ariel's Treasures
31- A Little Evil
Season 1: